UK Struggles to Combat Gun and Knife Crime as London Murder Rate Tops New York City

Here is the situation in the UK despite having banned the private ownership of firearms and about to crack down hard on the carrying of knives. Never believe that removing firearms from The People will solve crime – it does not:

From the NRA:

On Monday night, 17-year-old Tanesha Melbourne was gunned down in a drive-by shooting. According to an acquaintance of the murdered teenager, the young woman was “just chilling with her friends” at the time of the incident and was shot “for no reason at all.” Describing the neighborhood where the shooting took place, a resident told a media outlet, “It’s not nice – so many drugs, stabbings… no respect for people anymore.”

Half an hour later and a few miles across town, two masked men exited a vehicle and shot 16-year-old Amaan Shakoor as he was with his friends outside a community recreation center. The young man died of his wounds the following day. A 15-year-old also suffered a stab wound during the incident.

If these acts of violence strike you as the goings-on in Chicago or Baltimore, you’d be wrong. These incidents occurred under the “gold standard” of gun control in London, England.

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