Shadow Systems MR920 Elite Threaded Barrel 9mm Pistol, Black Fluted Barrel, 4″ – SS-1010
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Shadow Systems MR920 Elite Threaded Barrel 9mm Pistol, Black Fluted Barrel, 4″ – SS-1010
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Shadow Systems MR920 Elite 9mm Pistol
The MR920 Elite is Shadow Systems top of the line pistol. This handgun incorporates everything we know about pistol design.
The lightweight & low recoil MR920 Elite took its inspiration from its predecessor, the MR918 Elite. The DNA of the pistol is the same as the MR918, but there have been some significant changes to the features and functions which make this pistol work for more people.
The MR920 features Shadow Systems’ new patent-pending optic mounting system.
The biggest news in this release is our new patent-pending universal optic mount cut. By redesigning internal slide components, we relocated portions of the operating system allowing three key attributes:
The strongest, deepest screw placement in the industry
Direct optic mounting of multiple brands without intervening adapter plates
Extremely low optic placement permitting most optics to co-witness with typical iron sights
No past designs have combined all three of these game-changing attributes. The MR920 optic cut accommodates Trijicon RMR and SRO, Holosun 507c and 508t, Leupold Deltapoint Pro, Vortex Viper, and TruGlo Tru-Tec.
Because the MR920 is a Universal Optic Mount Pistol, it will likely accommodate additional brands and optics; testing for optic compatibility is still ongoing. The new system provides versatility without compromise and even exceeds the strength of past Shadow Systems mounts that had a dedicated Trijicon RMR footprint machined into the slide.
The MR918 set a new benchmark for low recoil and controllability in rapid-fire. The MR920 draws many of its design queues from the MR918, but the dust cover now includes a recoil control ledge for the support hand thumb. This control point further reduces muzzle flip in rapid-fire. The frame of the MR920 continues to feature the NPOA backstrap system which adjusts the ANGLE of the backstrap to match the shooter’s natural point of aim. The pistol system includes three backstraps, a removable magazine well, and a backstrap removal tool for your convenience.