Savage Arms 110 Ultralite 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle, Proof Research Barrel, Threaded Barrel, 22″ -57578
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Savage Arms 110 Ultralite 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle, Proof Research Barrel, Threaded Barrel, 22″ -57578
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Savage 110 Ultralite 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle with Proof Research Carbon Fiber Barrel
Savage® teamed up with PROOF Research® once again to craft a barrel specific for a purpose driven firearm. At 6 pounds and under, the 110 Ultralite is designed to combat elevation and elements while maintaining the performance of a factory blueprinted Savage 110 action. The carbon fiber wrapped stainless steel barrel and melonite skeletonized receiver minimize weight for success on any mountain hunt. The rifle comes equipped with Savage’s AccuFit ™ technology with adjustable length of pull and comb height to provide hunters with optimum fit and performance. The user adjustable AccuTrigger ™ allows crisp, clean shots to close out successful hunts.
Factory blueprinted action
Lightweight Stainless Steel Receiver with Melonite Finish
Grey AccuFit ™ Stock with Adj. Comb height, Length of Pull, and overmold surfaces