Ruger New Model Single-Six Convertible Stainless 22 LR/ 22 Magnum Revolver, 5.5″ – 0625
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Ruger New Model Single-Six Convertible Stainless 22 LR/ 22 Magnum Revolver, 5.5″ – 0625
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Ruger Single-Six Convertible Stainless 22 LR/ 22 Magnum Revolver
Strong, Durable, Dependable, and Versatile. New Model Single-Six® revolvers are the perfect small bore single-action revolver for plinking, small game hunting or serious competition. Chambered in either 22 LR, 22 Magnum, or 17 HMR, these great single-action revolvers come in a variety of barrel lengths, finishes, sights, and grips.