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Ruger 10/22 Tactical 22 LR Rifle, Synthetic Stock, 16.125″ – 1261
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Ruger 10/22 Tactical 22 LR Rifle
The Ruger® 10/22® rifle is America’s favorite 22 LR rifle, including the Ruger 10/22 Tactical, with proven performance in a wide range of styles for every rimfire application. Ideally suited for informal target shooting, ”plinking,” small game hunting and action-shooting events, Ruger has sold millions of 10/22 rifles since their introduction in 1964.
The Ruger 10/22 Tactical FS features a precision rifled, cold hammer-forged 16 1/8” alloy steel barrel with a black matte finish. The factory 1/2-28 threaded barrel offers Ruger 10/22 owners the convenience and cost effectiveness of a threaded barrel, necessary for many custom built firearms. With a black synthetic stock and carbine length barrel, the Ruger 10/22-FS weighs in at 4.3 lbs., making it the lightest weight 10/22 available today from Ruger.