Colt 1911 Government Model Bright Stainless 38 Super Pistol, 5″ – O1073BSTS
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Colt 1911 Government Model Bright Stainless 38 Super Pistol, 5″ – O1073BSTS
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Colt 1911 Government Bright Stainless 38 Super Pistol
The Colt Government Bright Stainless 38 Super is a direct descendant of the original Colt Model 1911 Pistol. A long trigger, flat mainspring housing and original style recoil spring system remain from the original M1911 design. Upgrades from the original include white dot sights, a lowered ejection port for extra reliability, and a nice Blued Finish. It still remains “the standard” that everyone tries to imitate, but no one duplicates. The Colt Government Bright Stainless 38 Super includes: