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Century Arms WASR-10, 7.62×39, Wood Stock & Forearm, Slant Flash Hider, 16.5″ – RI1805-N
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Century Arms WASR-10
Century Arms WASR-10 Rifle: The Romanian WASR-10 rifle is a semi-automatic version of the Pistol Mitraliera model 1963/1965 configured with a fixed wooden stock and forend. The WASR rifle is a perfect choice for hunters and recreational shooters. It features a 16.5″ hard chrome-lined hammer forged barrel with a 1:10″ twist, and is chambered in 7.62x39mm. It has an overall length of 34.25″ and weighs 7.5 lbs. It comes with one 30-round magazine, side mounted scope rail, classic slant brake, bayonet lug, and a 1 year manufacturer’s warranty. Not available in: NY, NJ, MA, CA, CT, HI, MD, or where prohibited by law..