Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon III 12 Ga Shotgun, 28″ – J6873FJ8
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Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon III 12 Ga Shotgun, 28″ – J6873FJ8
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Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon III 212 Ga Shotgun – 28″
The Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon III shotgun represents an elegant evolution of the Silver Pigeon I, designed to meet the needs and desires of shooters looking for the reliability of the 680 platform presented with attractive aesthetics and a superior wood finish.
The fine engraving is made with state-of-the-art 5-axis laser technology and is embellished by a special sparkle in the bas-relief areas, which creates a pleasant contrast effect. The floral motifs and evocative game scenes are highlighted with pheasants and partridges.
The exquisite gloss finish enhances the grain of the stunning class 2.5 wood and protects it from rain and improves longevity.
All these features are combined with the excellent ballistics guaranteed by the Steelium Optima Bore HP tri-alloy steel barrels.