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FN SCAR 20S Black Geissele Trigger 6.5 Creedmor Rifle, (1)-10Rd Magazine, 20.0″ – 38-100542
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FN SCAR 20S Black Geissele Trigger 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle
Like the 7.62 FN SCAR 20S, the rifle features an extended monolithic receiver with ample space to mount optics, Geissele Super SCAR trigger with an average of 4lb. trigger pull, FN MK 20 SSR precision stock that is adjustable for length of pull and comb height, as well as the Hogue grip. Both the FN SCAR 20S in 7.62 and 6.5 Creedmoor accept the 10rd FN SCAR 17S magazines.